Nonmember Sex Dating
Nonmember Sex Dating


Nonmember Sex Dating

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Conditional cash transfers for women and spousal violence: evidence of the long-term relationship from the Oportunidades program in Rural Mexico.

None of the studies showed an increased risk. The effects of CTP on psychological violence were also covered in five studies.

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Again, there seems to be no consensus in the literature, even after stratifying the analysis. Conditional cash transfers and intimate partner violence among Mexican couples: the impact of oportunidades on psychological abuse prevalence [Masters Thesis]. The first paper did not find any association between MP and physical and or psychological violence.

The second showed that CTP was protective against physical violence among adolescents. The CTPs survey papers that endorsed the two methodological criteria had heterogeneous results, too.

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Regarding psychological violence, results were rather mixed. Discussion Studies profile As shown in the Results section, studies assessing the effect of IPV on women enrolling in economic empowerment programs are restricted to a few countries.

The majority cross-sectional studies disregarded the time of women s participation in economic empowerment programs in the analysis.

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Nevertheless, the few studies exploring this aspect showed that time from the enrollment in the program is an important facet.

Hadi et al. Conversely, Bobonis et al. Contradictory results came from studies analyzing the impact of MP on physical and or sexual violence as well. Conversely, there is some indication that MP is not associated with sexual abuse. A similar result was reached when physical violence was studied along with sexual abuse.

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This pattern is also replicated for psychological violence and CTP. These results suggest that more empowered women are more vulnerable to violence in these specific sets and situations. Despite some limitations discussed below , the heterogeneous effects of MP and CTP on IPV uncovered here may be interpreted using the theoretical model proposed by Tauchen et al. Accordingly, IPV may either increase or reduce following enrollments in economic empowerment programs, depending on the sociocultural context of the family.

Vyas S, Watts How does economic empowerment affect women s risk of intimate partner violence in low and middle income countries?

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A systematic review of published evidence. These findings underline the importance of considering some peculiarities in attempting to understand the subject, while also showing that there is no single answer to this review question.

Moreover, whether physical violence is studied by itself or in tandem with sexual abuse as outcome, the effect of MP may not be generalized to all contexts since most of those studies came from a single country Bangladesh. The literature on the repercussions of MP on levels of psychological violence against women remains scarce, precluding any conclusion. Compared to research on physical abuse, the small number of studies focusing on psychological violence emphasizes the need to expand the debate.

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